You’ve worked hard to develop a yoga studio that promotes mental wellness, physical health, and strong community connections. If your classes or workshops aren’t attracting as many students as you’d hoped, however, it’s time to level up your marketing efforts. Yes, word of mouth can help you attract committed people to your yoga business, but a little extra enticing may be necessary at times.

Thankfully, a wide variety of excellent marketing tactics allow you to appeal to the exact types of students you desire. Top solutions draw on the power of both digital platforms and traditional methods for getting the word out. Keep reading to discover the most effective marketing strategies for your yoga studio:

Leverage Traditional Marketing Ideas

We may live in a digital age, but tried-and-tested marketing initiatives remain as important as ever. Solutions that stand out to passersby can be incredibly helpful, particularly if placed in areas frequented by your target audience.

Sidewalk signs and community bulletin boards, for example, provide a powerful opportunity to get the word out. The more unique these signs appear, the more likely they are to attract attention or make an impression on potential yoga studio members. Wall decals provide a less expected but similarly visual opportunity that holds up to heavy use and can be placed in a variety of locations. Don’t forget the power of snail mail. Most people are accustomed to receiving far too many emails and text messages, to the point that many now regard print mail as special. Flyers, postcards, or invitations can all pack a punch, particularly if printed on high-quality cardstock or designed with attention to detail.

Don’t Forget Digital

The tactics highlighted above are important, but they should not be used in lieu of digital marketing. Like it or not, many people primarily learn about local offerings while browsing their smartphones. Your efforts to leverage this reality could make a world of difference for your studio. Key components of a digital marketing campaign include the following:

  • An easy-to-navigate website. At minimum, your website should display your studio’s class schedule, along with information about yoga teachers and testimonials from students. If you have a rewards program, details can also be provided on your webpage. Don’t forget SEO. Add keywords to make it easier for potential students to find your site on search engines.
  • Accounts on top social media platforms. Social media and content marketing are essential for connecting with both current members and future yogis. There, you can share studio developments, as well as helpful hints for integrating mindfulness into everyday life. Choose your preferred social media approach based on which channels your target audience tends to use. For example: if you want to appeal to young yoga enthusiasts, TikTok and Instagram may be your best bet.
  • Email marketing campaign. Keep members in the loop with marketing emails that remind them about upcoming events or encourage them to return to the studio after they’ve been away. Marketing emails are also great for encouraging one-time event attendees to become full-on members.


Offer Unique Classes

The types of classes your studio provides can determine which types of members you attract and how excited visitors are about your services. Many studios select practices that appeal to specific types of patrons, such as expectant mothers or seniors. Others focus primarily on the level of practice, either targeting beginners or tailoring their efforts to suit advanced yogis. Standard options such as vinyasa and hatha should also be emphasized, as these appeal to many prospective students.

When in doubt, unique classes not offered at competing studios should attract attention and get visitors excited. Allow new students to try a free class so they can learn what your studio is all about.

Interesting yoga class in a yoga studio.

yoga,” by natalielucier is marked with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Host Special Events

In addition to everyday classes, studio members love attending special events that bring the community together. These memorable occasions can serve as the perfect marketing opportunity if they’re made available for non-members. Be sure to promote events thoroughly on social media to ensure that plenty of people show up. From there, cardboard cutouts can bring festive vibes to each event.

Support Your Community

Build a strong reputation by showing support for your community. Often, this means fundraising on behalf of local organizations that serve youth or address other important causes. Your efforts could be as simple as collecting food shelf donations or as extensive as hosting a workshop in which all the proceeds support a local cause you hold dear. Let people know what you’re up to with social media or emails newsletter updates about your charitable initiatives.


Try Local Partnerships

As a yoga studio, you are uniquely suited to developing strong partnerships with other health or fitness-oriented businesses. This could take the form of cross-promotion on social media or might even involve hosting an event together.

You could also bring yoga classes to another organization’s premises to reach new people. For example, if your local organic co-op has a community room, this could be the perfect space for a health and wellness workshop that encompasses a brief yoga session.


Start a Rewards Program

Depending on the pay structure for your studio, you may find that attracting a heavily invested core group of members proves most beneficial. If this is your preferred approach, your studio might benefit from implementing a rewards program. This is a win-win setup, as it encourages busy members to continue to prioritize their health while also ensuring that your classes and events are always well-attended.


Brand Your Yoga Studio

Brand consistency is crucial not only in how you present your yoga studio in marketing initiatives, but also, in how the space itself is decorated and designed. As previously mentioned, the goal is not only to attract new students, but also, to keep yogis returning for additional classes. Effective branding can help to reinforce your core message and keep students engaged.

Opportunities for highlighting your studio’s branding abound, but few are as simple or as effective as wall murals. These help you showcase all that makes your studio unique. Use decals to highlight your logo or your motto near the entrance of your facility, or to bring calming vibes within the actual studios. Select designs carefully to ensure that they feel true to your core brand messaging.

Yoga studio with wall decal.

Celebrate Your Customers With BigHeads

Here’s a really fun way to show appreciation to your customers while also drawing attention to your studio. Get a wall mural, or several, featuring you or various people in different yoga positions.  You order one of our big heads, which are basically giant face posters on a stick, featuring the face of one of your favorite customers (with their permission) and tack it up onto the yoga body! You can do a customer of the month wall mural and bring joy to your customers and passers-by.

Get the Word Out With Cardboard Cutout Standees

As you develop your next yoga studio marketing initiative, don’t forget to make the most of Cardboard Cutout Standees. Our cutouts, decals, and murals bring a creative element to your marketing efforts, helping you stand out among current and future students alike. Get in touch today to learn how we can support your yoga studio.


  • Jason Frank

    Jason Frank is the Co-Founder and Vice President at Cardboard Cutout Standees. After 25 years of selling factory automation he started the company with one of his college roommates. The company has grown to one of the largest providers of large format custom printed products in the United States. Along with the namesake cardboard cutout standees, they also provide BigHeads, Point of Purchase Displays, Wall Murals, and Wall Decals to a diverse client base across the US and Canada. When not focused on the business, you usually find Jason either on the road biking or our in the woods and fields of western Wisconsin.

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